
Description of dormant account

1. What is a dormant account

If your PantherTrade account has not been used in the past one year for any purpose such as logging in, trading, depositing and withdrawing crypto or cash, updating account opening information, etc., it will be marked as dormant.

We recommend regular use of your account to keep it active.


2. What will happen after my account is marked as dormant

The functions related to transactions and asset transfers of this account will be disabled until it is reactivated.

We will send you a notification by email and system message once the account has been marked as dormant.


3. How do I activate my account

You can contact us at support@panthertrade.com to activate your account.

We will process your instruction within three to five business days of receiving it. Depending on the circumstances of your account, we may ask for additional identification documents or other necessary information.

We will send you a notification by email and system message once the account has been reactivated.